Friday 18 December 2009

I sewed something!

Sewing is not a natural crafty skill set for me. I made myself a pair of striped trousers when I was 16, which I very proudly wore until they fell apart, but if truth be told they were very shonky and heavily patched at the crotch due to some rather cavalier cutting out...

More recent projects have got as far as cutting out and tacking up, only to be thrown across the room in a fit of swearing and abandoned to the back of the Crafty Shelves. Usually to do with misaligned bust darts or the sudden realisation that the pretty ditsy embroidery on that piece of Thai silk that looked so fabulous in Thailand would in fact make me look like I was ready for a short notice pyjama party...

So imagine how excited I was to successfully complete a whole skirt IN AN AFTERNOON and a bit without propelling it across the lounge at any point and only minimal swearing (zip's suck).
Clothkits, you are the gods of idiot sewers everywhere.

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